
Logo EQA Grupo

Corporate Social Responsibility 

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In today’s highly competitive and globalised economic context, with significant social and environmental demands, it is essential for organisations to understand the need to develop their business by considering the different actors and levers that influence the organisation. 

Beyond compliance with legal requirements and minimum standards, the organisation must advance in the development of a business model that ensures its sustainability, regardless of its sector and size. 

We understand CSR as ‘a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their operations and in their interaction with stakeholders on a voluntary basis’ European Commission (EC). 

EQA provides the following services in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility. 


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Innova SDGs

Validation / Verification of Alignment with the SDGs 

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SDG Management

Validation and/or verification service of the alignment and contribution of ISO 14001 and/or 9001 management systems with the SDGs. 

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360 SDGs

Validation and/or verification service of the alignment and contribution of the business strategy or a specific project with the SDGs.

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SDG Linked

Validation and/or verification service of the alignment and contribution of CO2 Footprint, Water Footprint, Plastic Footprint; Zero Waste; Circular Target with the SDGs. 

The Corporate Social Responsibility division benefits from synergies with other EQA divisions, which have staff specialised in audits of different subjects. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why perform CSR Verification by an independent 3rd Party?

Stakeholders require information on the organisation’s CSR performance to be accurate and of high quality. In line with this, many local and EU regulatory frameworks recommend, or require, that their non-financial reports undergo a process of external verification by an independent third party. This process, in addition to responding to these requirements, contributes to: 

  • Ensuring the quality and comparability of the information, by also verifying the framework used (methodologies, indicators). 
  • Demonstrating to stakeholders a greater commitment of the organisation to communication. 

We solve your doubts about the verification process with an independent third party.

Verification process with EQA

The EQA verification process consists of the following phases: 

  • Risk Analysis and Planning. 
  • Systems analysis and information gathering. 
  • Final Works. 
  • Final Verification Report. Declaration of independent assurance with a limited level of assurance. 

The applicable verification standards are: 

  • UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17029:2019 ‘Conformity assessment. General principles and requirements for validation and verification bodies. 
  • Best practices contained in the IAASB’s ISAE 3000 ‘Assurance Engagements other than Audit and Review of Historical Financial Information’. 

We help you with the Corporate Social Responsibility verification process.

Contact us for more information on Corporate Social Responsibility 

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ESG services

Governance Documents


R&D&I Certification                                         

R&D&I tax deductions

Bonuses for Research Personnel

Innovative SME

Young Innovative Enterprise

Other R&D&I evaluations

UNESCO Experts Selection

Motivated Reports


Climate Change                                           

Carbon Footprint

Verification of Greenhouse Gases


Energy Audit

Climate Projects

Circular Economy

Compensation mechanisms


Next Generation Trust                                            


European Taxonomy

Recovery and Resilience Plan


Urban Planning Licenses                                  






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