ENAC Accreditations
For a certificate to be valid and notorious, it is necessary that the entity that issues it is endorsed by an official body. ENAC (National Accreditation Body) is one of the organizations that support our activity with its accreditation.
The National Accreditation Entity – ENAC – is the entity designated by the Government to operate in Spain as the only National Accreditation Body, in application of Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008, which regulates the operation of accreditation in Europe.
EQA ENAC Accreditations
- ENAC Accreditation in UNE-EN ISO 17065 – R&D&I Certification.
- ENAC Accreditation in UNE 166002 – R&D&I Management.
Next Generation EU
- ENAC Accreditation in UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17029:2019 and ISO 14065:2020 – DNSH Validation.
- ENAC Accreditation in UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17065:2012 – Project Certification.
Management Systems
- ENAC accreditation in ISO 9001 – Quality Management.
- ENAC Accreditation in EN 9100 and EN 9120 – Quality Management for the Aerospace Sector according to the TEDAE scheme
- ENAC accreditation in ISO 14001 – Environmental Management.
- ENAC accreditation in EMAS Verification. – Environmental Verification.
- ENAC accreditation in UNE 66102 – Management of Tachograph Technical Centers.
- ENAC accreditation in ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety Certification.
- ENAC accreditation in UNE 166002 – R&D&I Management.
Climate Change
- ENAC Accreditation in ISO 14001 – Environmental Management.
- ENAC Accreditation in EMAS Verification. – Environmental Verification.
- ENAC Accreditation in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Verification.
ICT Certifications
- ENAC Accreditation in UNE ISO/IEC 27001 – Certification of Information Security Management Systems.
- ENAC Accreditation in Royal Decree 3/2010 – Certification of Conformity with the National Security Scheme (ENS).
- ENAC Accreditation in Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (PBCFT).
- ENAC Accreditation in UNE 19601 – Certification of Criminal Compliance Management Systems.
- ENAC Accreditation in UNE ISO 37001 – Certification of Anti-Bribery Management Systems.
Urban Development Licenses
Certification services as a recognized entity
- Certification Scheme according to AQAP/PECAL 2000 series Ministry of Defense.
CEPA Certified (EN 16636) for the provision of pest control services.
Wineries for Climate Protection Certification (WfCP) for the wine sector.
WLA-SCS certification for security control in the lottery sector.
Climate Bonds Initiative – CBI for the Verification of Climate Bonds and Loans.
Validation of the self-assessment of compliance with the DNSH Principle
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